Meter Maintenance

Tune Up, Add Up, The Math is Simple

Every additional percentage of meter accuracy adds a bushel or two more per acre. While they should run at 98% or better, many do not. That’s why no matter who made them, no matter their type, every meter should be calibrated every year. Keep your meters in top-notch shape.

When you bring your meters to Agassiz Precision AG, you can expect the best service and quality of work. They will be cleaned and inspected closely. We’ll make sure all of the pieces are functioning properly for you. Then, they will be reconditioned, and any faulty components will be replaced. Finally, we run them on our test stand to simulate the planting process at your target speed and population. Anything that results in less than 99.8% singulation will be reevaluated to determine the problem. You can trust that after we perform our maintenance on your meters, they’ll be working like brand-new.

To schedule meter maintenance, contact us here.

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