Precision Planting

The sales team here at Agassiz Precision AG, together with our growers, will develop a plan to address any and all areas of concern.

Precision Planting is a leader in providing the farmer with enhancements to their planters. Increasing your bottom line is priority number one for everyone here at Agassiz Precision AG, and while we provide planter upgrades, they are not the only way a grower can increase production. Maintenance, setup, and attention to detail will allow you to get the most out of every planter pass.

Monitoring & Measurement

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Data drives decisions

Each step of the crop cycle must have accurate data to provide insights into what decisions should be made. Whether you’re stopping in the field to make a fix, evaluating your approach for the next pass, or choosing your purchases for next season, you need the right data for the job. When you make better decisions for your next pass, you make better decisions next season, and throughout the future of your operation.

High-definition agronomic technology

High-definition data enables high impact decisions. The new 20|20 monitor provides the most advanced agronomic picture you’ve ever seen. Optimize planting, harvest, and application decisions with a smart, intuitive interface that visualizes performance and field conditions in real time; seed by seed, plant by plant, drop by drop. Customize display configurations, add sensors, and discover things about your field you may have never known.

From knowledge to ultimate control

20|20 can be utilized as a monitor to help you simply set the planter to maximize planter performance in each crop, each day of planting. That same 20|20 also powers the most agronomically advanced systems on the market that control population, down force, liquid, multi-hybrid planting and high-speed planting, all while sensing the furrow. 20|20 does all this and more to allow you to not only have the accurate data to make those crucial decisions, but also gives your equipment the powerful automation to make decisions as it passes through the field, optimizing every pass.
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See What is Really Happening

We all want to know the truth of equipment performance. Whether it be running well, or an issue that is occurring that is currently not known about, it is important to either be confident in equipment or make an adjustment. When it comes to liquid, rates, plumbing, pumps, and pulsation can all affect application and most times a problem is unknown.

Moving to Control

FlowSense measures what rate each row is applying. Sometimes, an issue is illuminated which needs a change in control systems to correct. That is where vApplyHD comes in. vApplyHD is a control system that incorporates flow measurement, rate control, and swath control into one module that can be configured for section or row-by-row control. See how it solves common issues in fertilizer delivery systems.
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Get the Seed Environment Right

While you are planting, you might dig a few seeds per field. More than likely, you are only looking at a fraction of the seeds, and guessing that all of the ones you do not look at are ok. The rest of the seeds are left to crossing our fingers and hoping they are in the best environment to start their journey.

With SmartFirmer you will have confidence in the environment that every seed is in.

Soil Moisture Sensing

Adequate moisture is needed in the soil for a seed to germinate. If the soil does not have enough moisture for a seed to germinate, it will take a rain shower to get enough moisture for that seed to germinate. SmartFirmer measures and displays soil moisture in the cab so you can make adjustments to get seeds into adequate moisture.

Soil Temperature Sensing

Seeds need sufficient temperature to germinate, but how does temperature fluctuate throughout the day as the sun shines on the field and as you plant from one soil type to the next? SmartFirmer shows you real time temperature as you are planting so you can make the right decision.

Furrow Uniformity

A consistent environment is essential for uniform seed germination and plant growth. SmartFirmer identifies any irregularities along the furrow, such as soil clods, air space, and dry soil falling from the surface, so that you can have the insight to correct row unit performance and solve these yield-robbing problems.

Residue Sensing

In-furrow crop residue has negative impacts on seed germination and growth. SmartFirmer allows you to measure the quantity of in-furrow residue and adjust row cleaners accordingly, thus ensuring residue won’t limit seed moisture uptake or transmit disease.

Organic Matter Sensing

In any field, there are multiple yield environments that are determined by differences in the field. One of the foundations of these differences is the amount of organic matter in different soils. The more Organic matter in a soil, the more water and nutrients it provides. By measuring and mapping organic matter, you can get a clear picture of variability in your fields, measured every planter pass.

Organic Matter Control

Variable rate applications can be an intimidating step to take on the farm. Between cost, prescriptions, and time, many growers have not yet reaped the profitability improvements from the implementation of site-specific farming. With SmartFirmer, you can begin variable rating with ease, using soil organic matter as the measurement that determines what rate of seed or fertilizer is applied. From the 20|20 in the cab, you simply setup a rate that you want for a given range of organic matter, and as the SmartFirmer senses the different organic matter levels in the field, it will prompt the planter to change rates automatically. Hybrid can also be changed on the go too. Using the organic matter reading to vary seeding or fertilizer rates, as well as hybrids, is a simple way to begin to determine the best way to maximize the variability in your field.

SmartFirmer pairs with 20|20 in the cab and vDrive, vApplyHD, and mSet on the planter in order to control different variables by organic matter.

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Making Decisions in the Combine Cab

Accurate yield information is one of the most valuable decision tools in any farming operation. Knowing how the different hybrids and varieties yielded in different fields helps us make decisions about what we plant next year. Having better yield data leads to better decisions.

Spatial Accuracy Matters

Getting accurate yield data on a field-level is helpful, but calibrations are time consuming. Getting yield data that is spatially accurate within a field helps make even better decisions. A spatially accurate and easy to calibrate yield monitor provides the best information for the best decisions.

Why it Works

YieldSense is accurate because it is different. Yield Sense uses a flow sensor at the very top of the clean grain elevator to measure all of the crop as it comes off the paddle. Traditional flow sensors don’t measure all of the crop, and calculate yield improperly as a result. YieldSense also uses a specially shaped clean grain paddle so that the grain comes off of the paddle consistently. When grain is moving correctly across the flow sensor, variances in flow can easily be measured.

Setup is Simple with YieldSense

YieldSense is simple to use. One simple calibration per crop, per season is all you need to get started. Our unique grain property kit keeps the sensor calibrated as you change hybrids, varieties and moistures within fields, and from field to field.

Downforce Control

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Environments in Your Fields Change

As you plant your fields, you encounter changing environments. Soil types change, drainage changes, elevation changes, and with each of these changes, the amount of downforce needed changes. With springs or air bags, you are left guessing at the correct setting as well as having to remember to make the necessary adjustment. Even worse, sometimes you would have to get out of the cab. Often, your down pressure setting ends up being wrong.

The Cost of Wrong

Incorrect downforce settings cause one of two issues; compaction or loss of depth. Compaction created by excess force carried on the planter’s depth gauge wheels will compact soil and remove pore space in the soil. This tight soil doesn’t allow roots to grow like they want to, and either causes the roots to turn or become smaller. When this happens, the plant sets a smaller ear because it is under stress. If the operator sets downforce too light, the opposite problem occurs. With too little downforce, the seed trench is not created at the depth that the row unit was set to, and the seeds are placed shallow, in dry soil, causing late emergence and smaller ears or barren plants.

Measurement of Gauge Wheel Weight

The key to getting downforce correct is to measure the amount of weight on the depth gauge wheels of the planter. If there is weight on the wheels, then the row unit is planting at the depth that has been set. Too much weight, and compaction occurs; no weight, and seeding depth, or ground contact is lost. Once the weight on the gauge wheels is known, it becomes easy to get that weight correct. A load cell is used on the planter to measure the amount of weight that is on the gauge wheels.
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Variability – You Have It

Is every area of your field the same? Is each row of your planter in the same environment, or are there differences? Variability in fields exist, from soil type to drainage to moisture, and plant variability exists simply because some rows are near tires and some are not. When setting a downforce airbag or spring, how can a single setting for the field ever be correct? The reality is that it can’t always be right, which means that whenever the setting is incorrect for that spot in the field, that seed’s yield potential is lost due to too much or too little downforce.

See What Isn’t Seen

When there isn’t enough weight to maintain depth, late emerged plants are the result and they can easily be seen. But what about when too much downforce is applied? Compaction is created by the gauge wheels, leading to restricted root development and yield loss, but it is only seen by getting a spade in the ground and looking at roots. Fields could be full of yield loss that has never been seen.

Row by Row Accuracy

If one row of your planter is in a wheel track from the tractor or from the combine last fall and needs more downforce in order to maintain depth, the cylinder on that row applies more force. If at the same time, another row is in very mellow ground and the weight of the row unit is all that is needed, the cylinder on that row applies no force. And if a third row on the planter is carrying too much gauge wheel weight in mellow ground because the weight of the cast iron row unit is more than enough, the cylinder on that row will lighten that row unit, so that it is not creating compaction.

Every second, these reactions are happening multiple times, making sure that every seed on every row is at the depth that has been chosen, and in an environment to thrive. Stop being blindsided by compaction and get the control that only DeltaForce provides.

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See Your Seeder Differently Than You Ever Have

  • Setting air seeder downforce only allows one setting across the entire machine
  • SeederForce automatically adjusts the downforce on sections or rows of the air seeder 
  • SeederForce pairs with 20|20 to control downforce and also show seed distribution

Manual Down Force Adjustments Don’t Cut It

When seeding, it is painful to see some seeds on top of the ground, prompting you to need to increase down pressure, or in some cases, add suitcase weights. The problem is that before you got out of the cab and checked, you didn’t know that the downforce was set incorrectly. Your goal is to get each seed into moisture so it will grow, but not to have so much downforce that the gauge wheel of the row unit is creating compaction that won’t allow the plants to have a good root system. With a single downforce setting across the entire drill, it is challenging to get this correct.

Identifying the Problem

Precision Planting saw this as an issue as we worked with growers in the plains, and has spent years digging into the issue of downforce settings on seeders and doing testing and development in those states. The result is SeederForce, an automated downforce control system that can be added to your seeder or drill to give you control of downforce and to prevent seeds on top of the ground, and eliminate sidewall compaction.

Measurements Lead to Adjustments

SeederForce uses load cells on the row units of the drill to measure how much weight is on the gauge wheel. By maintaining a consistent amount of weight on the gauge wheel, you can be confident that you are placing seeds at seeding depth because, in order to have weight on the gauge wheel, the disk opener has to first be creating a seed trench at the depth that it is set. From the cab of the tractor on the 20|20 display, the operator selects how much gauge wheel weight they want to have on the wheels of the drill and the SeederForce system makes automatic adjustments from there to maintain the desired weight.

Downforce Plus Seeding Visibility

When SeederForce is installed on your drill, you not only get automated control of downforce, but you get visibility of seeding distribution as well. Now you can know if there are rows of the drill that are not planting correctly, and catch those issues before they cost you money.


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After a While, I Stop Adjusting Them

Rarely do we talk to a farmer who likes taking the time to adjust row cleaners, and many admittedly will let the row cleaners run incorrectly instead of take the time to adjust them. This can be costly, as residue is hairpinned against seeds or as soil is plowed out of the way. Hairpinned residue wicks moisture from the seed, causing late emergence and loss in profitability. We knew there had to be a better way than to live in frustration and accept the yield loss, and now you have a fix.

Simple System, Big Payback

CleanSweep uses air cylinders on each row cleaner that can have pressure added to them or removed. Be more aggressive or run lighter, the choice is yours. The pressure adjustment is made by moving a lever in the cab to apply lift pressure or down pressure to the cylinders so they clean the way you want them to. The result is correctly adjusted row cleaners, time savings, and an end to the frustration of not having the planter set correctly.
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What Environment Should the Seed Be In?

What is the ideal environment that seeds should be left in when planter is finished with its work? The environment should be one where there is no evidence that the planter ever created a furrow, placed seed, and closed the furrow. This environment should have no air pockets, should be mellow so that as the seed germinates it can emerge, while at the same time being firm enough that moisture does not quickly leave the soil. It’s a delicate balance that needs to be achieved, and there is significant yield opportunity in getting it right. Getting it right means that the variability in the field has been accounted for and adjusted for, and that germination of each seed has happened at the same time. When seeds germinate and emerge at inconsistent times, yield loss occurs.

FurrowForce Gives You Visibility

FurrowForce is an automated two stage closing system with integrated sensing. FurrowForce works fundamentally different than other closing systems. The first stage notched wheels work to close the seed furrow from the bottom up, eliminating air pockets. The second stage stitch wheels carry weight on them to firm the soil over the seed to retain moisture. But the real magic of this system is the load cell that measures weight on the stitch wheels. From the 20|20 in the cab, the operator will set a certain amount of weight that they want to carry on the stitch wheels. When the load cell measures more or less weight on the stitch wheels than has been set on the 20|20, the FurrowForce system automatically adjusts the force applied to the unit row by row, with sub second response. When the stitch wheels are carrying weight on them, you can be confident that the first stage notched wheels are cutting into the soil at the correct depth, fully closing the trench. As you are planting in the cab, you have confidence that your closing system is doing the job you want, instead of having your fingers crossed and hoping that the furrow is properly closed.
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Keeton Seed Firmer

A Common Problem

Seeds don’t always land in the bottom of the trench where they belong. This can leave an air pocket underneath them, not allowing them to take up moisture as fast as they could. That leads to late germination and emergence, and finally, loss of yield.

A Simple Solution

Keeton Seed Firmers gently press every seed into the bottom of the trench to tuck it firmly in the soil, ready to take in the moisture and heat it needs. Keeton Seed Firmers are a simple attachment that adds yield to your planter, seeder, or drill.
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Ready Row Unit

Keep Your Planter, Spend Money on What Makes You Money

When many farmers trade planters, the goal is to get an updated row unit that doesn’t need maintenance this season while also updating to the latest technology. Typically the toolbar of the planter is in great shape. What if you could get the updated row unit and technology you want, without the expense and hassle of trading planters?

The Precision Planting Ready Row Unit solves both issues: replace your current row units with a retrofit row unit and then build on that row unit with the latest technology

Customized to Your Farm

This row unit upgrade allows you to take your current planter, remove the row units, and add new row units that are ready to be equipped with the technology and systems that you desire. You have the ability to work with a Precision Planting dealer to customize your planter to your needs with different gauge wheels, closing systems, row cleaners, and of course the Precision Planting technology to make your newly built planter maximize each seed.


Product Information

Row unit-mounted row cleaners hurt row unit ride and affect down force requirements. Reveal is frame-mounted, removing its impact on the row unit. With its own internal gauge wheel, Reveal precisely controls the depth of the cleaning tines to create a consistently clean and ideal seeding environment for even emergence to occur.

How Reveal is Different

  • Reveal is frame-mounted, eliminating the negative effects that row unit-mounted row cleaners have on row unit ride and changing downforce requirements.
  • Reveal has an internal gauge wheel, meaning that the depth of the cleaning tines is set from the cleaned soil only instead of soil+residue like traditional row cleaners.
  • Reveal has independent adjustment of pressure and cleaning tine depth, meaning that you can set the pressure you need to keep the internal gauge wheel on the ground, which eliminates bounce of the row cleaner. Then use a T-handle to set how deep the cleaning tines operate for excellent cleaning.

Consistently Clean Residue

Keeping residue out of the seed trench is imperative to get consistent germination and emergence. In order to do this, it takes a row cleaner that can remove the surface residue and not impact the operation of the row unit. Traditional row cleaners can tend to bounce across the soil surface, causing them to miss some residue that can end up in the seed trench. This bouncing also causes row-unit bounce that negatively affects the row-unit.

Liquid Control & Delivery

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Nitrogen Application at the Right Time, in the Right Way

  • Broadcasting nitrogen on the soil surface doesn’t put it where the plant will use it
  • Many planter attachments for nitrogen interfere with other aspects of the planter
  • Conceal places nitrogen in a band in the correct relationship to the seed

Broadcast Applications Are Inefficient

Broadcasting nitrogen before planting is an inefficient means of getting fertility to the plant. We only plant a row every few feet, so why spread fertilizer evenly across the entire field? A more efficient way to place fertilizer is to band the fertilizer in the row, just like we place the seeds. Banded nutrients can reduce the total amount of needed fertility by up to 30% while maintaining the same yield level. These banded nutrients should also be placed under the soil surface where they will stay in the soil, instead of being prone to volatilization when spread on top of the soil surface.

Plants Need Fertilizer While They Are Growing

Plants don’t need fertilizer when the seed is still in the bag, they need the fertilizer while they are growing. This means it needs to be available for the roots to uptake in the most important times of the plant’s life. In the case of nitrogen and corn, that first important time is from V4-V8 while the plant is determining the maximum size of ear that it can produce. Nitrogen needs to be readily available to the crown roots of the plant during this stage in order to maximize the yield that can be produced by that plant. A band of nitrogen placed under the soil surface will move down the soil profile with rains that occur after planting and will be a few inches deep, right where crown roots can get it when they need it.

Conceal Puts Nitrogen Where It Should Be

Conceal is a simple nutrient placement device that places fertilizer in a band, incorporated into the soil, where the plant will be able to get those nutrients during the critical ear set stage. Conceal can be utilized to put either a single or a dual band of nutrients down beside the row. Conceal is a combination of a gauge wheel which has a groove in it, and a knife running in the groove. The knife is guided by the gauge wheel so that placement is always the same distance from the seed. Since the knife is mounted to the front of the row unit, it does not interfere with the critical function that the gauge wheel plays: consistent and proper seeding depth. Conceal almost can’t be seen on the row unit, tucked away inside the gauge wheel, where it does its job without increased row unit length or bulk that typically comes with nitrogen attachments.
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Ideal Starter Fertilizer Placement

  • Phosphorus starters are immobile in the soil 
  • Move some fall applied P to planter applied P and gain efficiency
  • FurrowJet places starter where seedling and crown roots can access it

Phosphorus Doesn't Move

Phosphorus fertilizer does not move in the soil, which means that it needs to be placed where a plant will be able to access it. Broadcasting the immobile nutrient across the entire field doesn’t make sense, because it won’t move to the rows where the plants are.

Place Phosphorus Perfectly

Putting starter where the plant needs it, when the plant needs it, takes FurrowJet. FurrowJet is a planter mounted device that places three bands of phosphorus starter fertilizer near the furrow; one in furrow, and two about 3/4″ away from the seed on either side. These three bands are placed right where the seedling roots and crown roots will grow, taking up the P and thriving.

See it Work

FurrowJet offers a lot of flexibility since your nutrient management plan is as unique as your fields are. FurrowJet starts by firming the seed in the trench, and then placing the bands of fertilizer on and near the seed. Some growers have elected to run a different product in furrow and in the wings, and others have added micronutrients and only placed the fertilizer with the wings. The choice is yours, but the answer to each of these questions is FurrowJet.
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Liquid systems are usually confusing

Making fertility applications at planting as well as in season makes sense in order to feed the crop exactly what it needs. The problem is that putting together a good system to get the correct visibility of rate, and actually apply the correct rate, is pretty confusing. Many growers have made the decision not to make the jump into one of these systems, or have made the jump, but are frustrated with the one they do have.

Variability with speed

This map, with the rate being measured with FlowSense, shows a definite change in rate on the east portion of the field. When placed beside the speed map of the same field, it is easy to see that the control system on this planter was sensitive to speed, applying 37 gpa at 3.5 mph and 30 gpa at 5 mph.

Row to row variability

This map shows that this 24 row planter has 27% variability from the lowest to highest rate being applied, even when there was only one target rate across the entire field. Unexpected things, like whether the roll of hose was laying vertically or horizontally on the planter toolbar can affect the rate on that row, and may not even be seen.

Solving Problems with Simplicity

While FlowSense illuminated many of the problems above, we knew that only seeing an issue and not fixing it is frustrating. vApplyHD is that fix. Instead of many components to meter, swath, measure, balance, and divide, the vApplyHD system uses a pump control module and then control modules on the toolbar. The modules on the toolbar control flow, measure flow, and swath all in a single device. These same modules can be configured in either section control or row by row control. Whichever way you decide to go, the result is your liquid fertilizer is applied at the correct rate and the 20|20 display in the cab gives you knowledge of how that application is occurring.

Flow measurement, flow control, turn compensation, variable rate prescriptions. All of this done by the on row vApplyHD module.


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Impeccable Singulation for John Deere Meters Without Adjustment

  • Many vacuum meters require adjustments to double eliminators or vacuum in order to try to be accurate
  • These adjustments still leave performance less than desired
  • eSet replaces internal components of your John Deere vacuum meter to provide adjustment free accuracy

Simple Upgrade, Big Change in Your Stands

You want a picket fence stand that doesn’t require a lot of headaches, but the adjustments you have to make on your meters are time consuming and don’t give you the results you want. The eSet meter is a retrofit system that goes inside of a John Deere vacuum meter and uses a flat disk without cells that are sensitive to seed size and shape, paired with a floating singulator that doesn’t need adjustments. You simply set your vacuum, fill the planter with seed, and go.
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They Are Different, So Why Not Treat Them Differently?

Not every acre that you farm is the same. That is why you make different fertility plans for different fields, have different tillage practices, and even select different hybrids for different fields. But what about the variability that exists within a single field, even a single pass? Most growers are not making decisions to change hybrids within that pass to maximize the potential of each area of the field, even though they know there are wide swings in productivity between these areas.

Multi-Hybrid Planting for Improved Profitability

mSet pairs with Precision Planting’s 20|20, vSet meter and vDrive electric drive. Under a split hopper holding two hybrids, a seed selector lets a few seeds of the hybrid that is currently being planted into the meter. When it is time to switch hybrids, it allows seeds from the other part of the hopper to come into the meter. A seed level sensor in the meter tells the seed selector when more seed is needed and ensures that you don’t run out of seed.

Seeing the Variation

Look at the variability in organic matter in this field; averaging the field by planting a single hybrid is leading to yield loss in the best areas, and overspending on seed in the areas that are not capable of producing as much. mSet utilizes a seed selector and a single vSet meter to be able to plant two different hybrids in the field as the planter passes through the varying areas of the field.

Build Your System

The Precision Planting hopper system allows you to build the planter you will utilize now and in the future. If today you decide to add vSet to your planter with mini hoppers for a single hybrid and then in the future add the mSet seed selector, you use the hopper you already have. If you want to move from mini hoppers to a 1.6 bushel single hybrid or dual hybrid hopper, you simply add on to your existing mini hopper. A purchase today is an investment in your planter for the long term, without needing to switch out hoppers with each additional upgrade.
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Hydraulic Motor Control

Hydraulic motors are on many planters today, and they cause growers many headaches. RowFlow is different. RowFlow makes hydraulic motor operation and calibration simple. Sitting in front of the shop, your motors can be calibrated so that your population is right when you go to the field. RowFlow also uses two speed sources so that you have consistent population when you are speeding up or slowing down. With RowFlow, technology that is on many planters today can be controlled with ease.

For the Planter You Already Own

RowFlow pairs with most row shutoff clutches and hydraulic motors already on the market. Plug in the RowFlow system to the motors and clutches and to the 20/20 SeedSense system, and you are ready to go. Have a ground drive planter and want to be able to variable rate? That’s not a problem, your local Precision Planting Premier dealer can convert your planter from ground drive to hydraulic drive and have you ready to plant variable rate prescriptions in no time.
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Remove Complex Drive Systems

vDrive replaces the mechanical drive system, simplifying your planter. A vDrive motor mounts to each vSet meter and makes that row a single row planter, because that row is controlled individually.

Save Time

At Precision Planting, we know how important it is to get your planter ready for the spring. The problem is, that even with the most fine toothed comb, there are still problems that can crop up during planting. A bearing that was good in the shop can go out in the field. A tensioner can break. These issues cost you critical planting time and leave you feeling frustrated because you knew you had done everything you could pre-season. We understand that when conditions are fit, your planter has to be rolling. Add vDrive to your planter and experience a planter drive system that just works, because it’s simple. Save time, money, and frustration and keep your planter rolling with vDrive.

Save Seed With Row Shut Off

vDrive allows the seed and insecticide meter to turn off at a boundary or where you have already planted, making sure that you don’t overspend on inputs.

Variable Rate Done Flawlessly

Changing seeding rates based on the yield potential of different areas of the field makes sense. To have confidence that you are getting the most out of variable rate, you need a planter that gets the rate correct in each zone in the field. vDrive hits the rates because each row can change population independently, rather than all rows planting the same population.
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vSet Select

No More Missed Yield Potential. Multi-Hybrid Planting is Here.

You aim to maximize yield by planting the hybrid that will do the best, on average, across the whole field. But yield environments often change in the same field, calling for different hybrids in different areas. You’ve had to make compromises, but not anymore.

With vSet Select, there are no compromises. You can plant two hybrids in the same row, switching back and forth as environments change, to plant the hybrid that will produce the most in each environment. That maximizes yield.

Any mapping software can make the two-hybrid prescription shape file that is used by vSet Select, or operators can manually switch from one hybrid to another.

Complexity Made Simple

With hundreds of dollars per row at stake, any solution has to be time consuming and complicated, right? It’s not. vSet Select is a sophisticated controller that is simple and intuitive to use. Now planting is simple and delivers hybrid and zone match like never before.

Problems Solved

Soil type, slope, drainage, organic matter. You know that part of your field that isn’t getting the right seed. Every season, countless dollars are lost in yield. Now you can put a hybrid that will thrive in that spot. Multi-hybrid planting will soon be the standard. It’s just too easy and profitable for it not to be.
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Perfect Singulation

vSet uses a flat disk, meaning that it doesn’t have a cell that likes a certain seed size. The flat disk with a hole doesn’t care what size seed it is working with. The flat disk combined with a singulator that is riding on the edge of the disk and knocks off extra seeds, means that singulation accuracy in corn & soybeans will be over 99% without adjustments to vacuum, disk, or singulator.

Plant More Than Corn and Soybeans?

vSet isn’t just for corn and soybeans. With 13 different crop kits, vSet can handle most any crop you throw at it. Sugarbeets, edible beans, canola, and more. Your Precision Planting dealer can help you setup a vSet meter for most any crop that you plant.

Seed Delivery

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Place Seeds Properly

  • Many seed tubes wear at their exit causing poor spacing as seeds exit the tube
  • Some seed sensors cause seed bounce in the seed tube
  • BullsEye tubes have long life and a smooth path to the trench

Avoid Premature Wear

Prevent early seed tube wear and get long life with the tungsten-carbide tip on the BullsEye tube. This simple wear tip prevents disk openers from wearing a flap of plastic that slows down the seed as it exits, causing poor spacing. It’s a simple solution to an annoying problem.

Eliminate Spacing Issues

Many seed tubes have a sensor that protrudes into the seed tube, which causes the seeds to hit the sensor and bounce, causing poor spacing. The BullsEye tube prevents this issue with a recessed sensor eye that eliminates sensor interference. See the difference in the path the seed takes in the time lapse picture to the right.
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Work With Weather, Not Against It

Every spring, you want to get your acres planted in a timely fashion, in the best conditions possible. But more often than we wish, the weather messes with our plans, and causes us to make tradeoffs. Plant ahead of the cold front, and sacrifice stand? Plant in soil that is a day or two away from being fit because the calendar says I am behind? Stop making these tradeoffs, and be ready to beat the weather that comes your way with SpeedTube on your planter.

Think Agile, Not Cumbersome

Many growers try to solve the acres per hour question with a larger planter or more planters, which turns into costly equipment payments along with manpower and logistically challenges. Upgrading the planter that you currently have to be able to cover more acres an hour, accurately, is the smart choice for hitting your ideal planting window.

Controlled Speed Wins

SpeedTube combines with other systems from Precision Planting as part of a high-speed planting system that ensures that as you speed up, yield potential is not going down. SpeedTube uses two feeder wheels to pull seeds off of the vSet disk, into a flighted belt, and into the seed trench. The seeds don’t bounce in the tube because they are under control, and they also don’t tumble in the furrow because the seed release is matched to ground speed. The result is properly spaced seeds, and more acres covered in the ideal planting window.

A Complete High-Speed System

SpeedTube is one component of the high-speed planting system from Precision Planting. Row by row downforce control, accurate metering and drive, row cleaner control, and fertilizer rate control that doesn’t compromise accuracy over changing speeds all are part of a system that ensures that as speed increases, accuracy remains the same. High Speed planting is not just a delivery system, it is a complete package.
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See Your Population Accurately

  • Traditional seed sensors count seeds and dust 
  • When population is reported incorrectly, you feel uneasy
  • WaveVision sensors count only seeds for accurate population counts

Have Confidence

When you are planting, we know that you want to be confident that the population that is displayed on your monitor is actually what is being planted. In order to have this confidence, you need to be sure that all the seeds are being counted, and nothing else. But there is a problem; traditional seed sensors can’t tell the difference between dust and seed, which can make you very unsettled. You may have experienced it; planting one direction your population is right, but the other direction, it spikes high, making you wonder what is going on. We believe that accurate planting data is something that should be in every tractor cab in the spring. With many employees at Precision Planting that farm, we realize how frustrating it is to have information in front of you that just doesn’t make sense. That’s why we wanted to fix this problem, so you no longer have that unsettled feeling. The WaveVision seed sensor counts seed and not dust, has tungsten carbide wear points to reduce double disk wear on the tube, and has a smooth front wall to prevent seed bounce. So, find a dealer, replace your frustrating seed sensors, and don’t let that dust bother you anymore.

See What You’re Really Planting

Dust won’t get in the way of accurate data anymore.

By using high-frequency radio waves, WaveVision measures mass instead of shape. So seed can’t be confused with dust particles. You’ll get the population you want. And you’ll see more accurate information so you can have peace of mind — you’re doing the right thing.

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